The Chapter Two Pipeline and future direction

Just another rambling post from me to express my current excitement going in to Chapter Two of the game.

As I mentioned last week, Novel AI has suddenly made my life a whole lot easier and has opened up the possibility of 'pumping out' chapters. For anyone who has worked on coding a game, it should be obvious that the second chapter of a game requires about 10% the labour of the first chapter purely because you can copy and paste existing code and ideas. With AI images, I can rapidly push on with ideas that I've been playing with over the last few months. 

Realistically, how quickly could I get these chapters and cases made? I actually think now that I could quite comfortably manage one a week - If I could sit down for an entire day (Which is impossible because I have kids and work) I feel like I could get an entire chapter done within 24 hours. 

The reason this is important to me is because this is how I've always conceptualized the project; It's a framework that can be expanded with indefinite episodes that may be written by other writers (Including my students.) I see what I've already made as the  vase that flowers can be placed into.


I'd also add - Chapter ONE still isn't 100%, clearly. It might seem premature to rush ahead with other chapters but I feel in doing so, and thinking about how to bridge the gap between chapters, I'll have a better idea of how to better conclude chapter one. 

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